No parking, waiting, or Dropping Off/Picking Up in Red Zones or crosswalks in the parking lot, on Ontario, or on Murdell.
Do not park or wait in the ESS designated curb space.
Reserved parking spots are for the use of the designated family only. Do not park in these spots at any time.
Do not block driveways.
Valet lines - please pull all the way forward and continually move forward as cars exit the line. Drivers – do not leave your car.
Main Parking Lot – During Drop Off/Pick Up the left lane into the lot will only be for the first row of parking. The right lane will be used for curb Drop Off/Pick Up. Use the crosswalk to get to/from the school.
Please be courteous to other drivers. Please alternate cars into the parking lot.
Do not Pick Up your children in the middle of the parking lot and stop the flow of traffic. It is not a safe pick-up area.